Your How-To Guide for DIY Solar Permits and Passing Inspections!

Energy by  Mashum Mollah 25 May 2021

Guide for DIY Solar Permits and Passing Inspections

So, you’ve decided to go solar and save a few dollars on your energy bills? It is very possible to make massive savings on your power expenses by getting your solar system installed by a reputable company. However, you may also make great savings on your upfront costs by adopting a do-it-yourself (DIY) installation process.

Adopting the DIY route will require a few approvals and inspections before your project is approved. In essence, your DIY solar project will require two approvals to get a permit. The first approval comes from the local building agency while the second one will come from the local power supply authority which approves your connection to the grid.

Here’s the complete solar permit expediter guide for DIY solar permits and passing inspections.

Have a Proper System design To Initiate Your Solar Permit Expediter Process:

You need to have a DIY solar design that meets the standards set by the inspecting agencies if you want to get the necessary accreditations. You may seek the services of an experienced solar design technician any time you want to develop your solar panel plan.

The design should put into consideration key elements like the effects of the local climate, your power needs, and your goals.  This will help with your solar permit expediter process as you proceed in your life.

Fill Out the Interconnection Permit:

You will only get the approval to connect your solar system to the local utility grid after you have filled and applied for an interconnection agreement. The utility firm will inspect your system to verify that it is code compliant and does not pose any safety threats.

The inspection process will analyze your wiring diagram and component specifications to ensure that every detail is well designed. They may also ask you to modify the design to ensure that it is in line with the local code agreements. This is part of the solar permit expediter process as you begin your solar and renewable energy journey.

Here are the elements that will be verified in the inspection process:

  • The capacity rating
  • The positioning of the key elements of the system like the utility meter and the PV array
  • The size and number of solar panels and inverters

Acquire A Building Permit:

It is a requirement for you to file a building permit with the local agencies that oversee new constructions like your city/municipal planning council. The agency must verify that the roof mount system is well designed and able to accommodate the extra weight associated with the solar array.

Remember that there are people who can help you with the solar permit expediter process so that you do not have to increase your stress load.

Provide Detailed Info about the Solar Power Project:

Gather the details that concern your solar project. Here are the key details you need to present for your DIY solar:

  • The product specifications’ sheet
  • The plot plan/map
  • The necessary wiring diagrams
  • Fire safety ratings
  • Necessary engineering certifications

Submit the Details for Approval:

This may take days or even weeks depending on the level of activity of the concerned agencies. You can now start installing your solar system after you have received the approval. Test the solar system to verify its functionality.

Indulge with the Local Agency for Inspection:

You’ve probably built your solar system and it is working as needed. The next step is to visit the permitting agency and request them to come and inspect it. An agent will visit the solar system site, do the inspection, and grant you the stamp of approval.

These are a few of the crucial steps you must take if you are looking to begin and go further on your renewable energy journey.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, etc.

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