How to Market a Consulting Business

How to by  Mashum Mollah 17 November 2020 Last Updated Date: 06 January 2021

Consulting Business

Without clients, you won’t be able to sustain your consulting business. That’s why you need to market your consulting business to people who may need your services. Knowing when and how to do this is harder than it looks.

You’ll need to develop a marketing strategy, position your consulting business, and target the right audience. By making use of social media, digital advertising, as well as traditional advertising, you can increase awareness about your consulting business among the right people. Ensure that you have a steady stream of potential customers coming your way by using the right marketing tactics.

The Benefits of Marketing Your Consulting Business

Unless you market your consulting business, the chances of you constantly attracting potential clients are low. Consulting is a competitive field, and as social media has made it easier than ever before to reach the right audiences, a great marketing strategy is necessary.

Before you develop your own marketing strategy, the first step is to do research on what your competition is doing. How do other consulting businesses market themselves? Which marketing campaigns are successful, and why? Why do some marketing campaigns fail, and why?

Addressing the history of marketing strategies employed by others in your industry will present you with a ready-made guide on what steps you should take and what you should avoid. This data is essential to developing a winning consulting business marketing strategy.

Aside from this, there are marketing tactics that you’ll have to incorporate into your strategy if you want to generate constant leads without much effort.

Read more: 5 Reasons Why Your Consulting Business Isn’t Making Enough Money

1) Ranking on Search Engines

The first place a potential customer is likely to go if they are looking for a consulting business is to a search engine. Most people search using the Google search engine. This means that your business website will have to rank high on Google’s search engine to generate organic traffic.

Ranking your website is an achievable goal. It needs a thorough understanding of Search Engine Optimization, as well as how the Google Search Engine tracks keywords to rank websites. If you are uncomfortable with the website development and SEO integration, you can hire an expert to help you.

2) Local Listings

If your consulting business is limited to a certain area, you’ll want to appear in the local business directory. People still use local listings to find services. Check and see if there is a directory for consultants in your area, and if there is, make sure your consulting business is listed in it.

3) Mail Packages

For local consulting businesses, direct mail packages can bring in clients. To achieve this, you’ll first need to make a list of prospective clients in your area. Send them a newsletter that highlights your consulting business and its key features, as well as a small gift. Attaching a limited time offer or a similar call to action can inspire clients to get back to you. You can also contact direct mail companies who are well-experienced in the same and can help you back more clients.

4) Emailers

Sending mailers and digital newsletters is another way to effectively market your consulting business. You should create two sets of emailers – one for prospective clients and one for existing clients.

The emailers to prospective clients would highlight your strengths, accomplishments, present customer testimonials, and urge clients to use your services. For existing clients, however, you want to market your business to them in a way where they renew their contracts with you.

You can make this happen by incorporating industry updates, information on how your work helped your clients, as well as sending exclusive offers or discounts.

5) Learn how to Target Your Audience

Targeting your audience is necessary if you want to utilize the power of social media to generate leads. On social media, it’s a little more difficult to isolate who may be interested in your services. At the same time, there are millions of people online. This means that you may miss out on a potential client simply because your paths didn’t cross online.

Facebook offers the greatest avenues to target your audience. You can target people by location, age, and more. On Twitter and Instagram, hashtags will be your best friends. Learning how to target your audience using social media can help you open doors to a consistent avenue of clients.

6) Develop Brand Authority

If you want your consulting business to stand out against your competition, then you’ll need to establish reputation and authority. You can achieve this through thought leadership.

This is when you claim your area of expertise by actively participating in discussions about it, and even doing independent research in the area. By engaging in such research and posting the findings in relevant sources like journals and even podcasts, you can attract more clients to your consulting business.

7) Start a Blog

Having a blog is a great way to both inform and welcome potential clients. The blog should contain information that people will genuinely need – topics like how-to’s and guides are very popular.

People who read your blog and learn from you may also recommend your consulting business to people they know. This is a good way to generate word of mouth marketing as well.

8) Social Media

To harness the full power of social media to market your consulting business, you’ll need to utilize multi-platform marketing to reach out to as many potential clients as possible. Don’t limit yourself to Facebook and Twitter. You’ll find many clients on LinkedIn, YouTube, and even Instagram if you develop separate marketing strategies for each social media platform.

9) Networking Events

The importance of attending networking events can’t be reduced. When you represent your consulting business at a networking event, you gain the opportunity to meet both new clients, as well as others in your industry. Learn what’s happening in your field, establish rapport with others, and negotiate contracts with clients by regularly attending consulting business networking events.

10) Referrals

One of the most promising ways to gain new clients is through referrals from existing clients. If your client likes your work and recommends you to a friend or colleague, the chances of them getting back to you are very high. This is as people are more likely to listen to people within their social circles, especially the people they trust. To make sure you get referrals, maintain superior work performance, and customer service at all times. Referrals come naturally with happier clients.

Learn more about how to become a good business consultant in this article.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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