Digital Marketing Solutions to Attract and Retain Customers

Marketing by  Mashum Mollah 24 April 2020 Last Updated Date: 19 February 2021

Digital Marketing

Dynamic. Ever-changing. Fierce.

In this fast and furious world, running a business will surely keep you on your toes. The landscape is constantly evolving at such a rapid pace. Intense competition will drive you to seek alternative measures just so you can stay in the game.

From eye-catching websites to contemporary social media solutions, you can still take control of your business with the right digital branding techniques.

Draw Them In With Digital

If you run a small-to-medium enterprise (SME), how do you go head-to-head with industry behemoths? Can you even get a slice of the pie with your current efforts? What tactical methods can you employ to catch the attention and earn the loyalty of your target customers?

Depending solely on traditional means of attracting customers and winning their loyalty may prove to be risky for your business. Advertising on newspapers, magazines, and other printed publications may use up a whole chunk of your advertising budget, and so will ad placements in mass media channels such as TV and radio.

Fortunately, alternative ways of promoting your brand have cropped up. One of the most popular forms would be digital marketing. SMEs, especially, can gain valuable ground with the use of this medium as it is not as cost-prohibitive as traditional channels might demand.  You can earn more value for your money as it has the potential for a wider reach, reaching your target market faster and in a more personalized manner.

Just look at how interactive restaurant menus and handy delivery apps usually magnetize the young crowd. Anything that you can press, swipe, or click sells well for its instant gratification appeal. Technology has its own way of making almost everything look cool, and this speaks to a wide variety of customer types. You must also learn how to ride the tech bandwagon and leverage your brand through its insightful use. As your digital marketing efforts increase you will also want to make use of digital asset management features that make it easy to control a large number of brand assets among all members of your team from anywhere. One example of this is Wazee digital which offers cloud-native digital asset management that could definitely help your business throughout your project.

Here are some of the ways you can use digital marketing to attract and retain customers:

1. An Attractive Website

Undeniably, the Internet has taken the world by storm and it shows no signs of slowing down. It has made doing business, among other things, easier, faster, and more convenient.

Use this amazing platform as a tool to promote your brand and business. Create an appealing website that will inform and educate your target audience about your product, service, or brand philosophies. Draw them in with catchy phrases, striking visuals, and compelling content.

Earn your customer’s loyalty and trust by highlighting your company’s strengths. Show your sustainability efforts, for instance, or emphasize your dedication to quality and excellent customer service. Make use of chatbots as online assistants that can provide immediate answers to satisfy customers’ questions.

Similarly, you can also use your website to dangle offers that are relevant to your target market. Promotions, discounts, and other freebies or deals can also be featured here, increasing customer website traffic and potential leads.

2. Interactive Apps

Another way to attract your customers is to create applications that address specific needs. There are several ways that you can take advantage of this handy tool. If you’re a food delivery service, then why not create an app that people can use to easily order online? If you’re a car service center, then design an app where they can conveniently schedule an appointment or call for a service technician to fix their car.

Whether you use it for internal communications or want to develop a customer-centric application, make sure that the app fits the profile of your customer. It’s best if you can ask a branding company that specializes in designing and developing apps. This way, you can be sure that your app is designed according to industry standards, passes the app submission process, and has gone through stringent testing procedures to assure high-quality standards.

3. Exciting Social Media Solutions

Social Media

With 3.5 billion users as of 2019, social media platforms are having a heyday. While 90.4% of users are millennials, over 70% of Generation X and close to 50% of the Baby Boomers are also actively using this popular tool.

Social media is a unique and dynamic platform that you can use to boost your brand. With enthralling content that is timely and relevant to your target market, you can grab the attention of your intended audience. As long as your social media posts are cohesive and consistent with your overall branding strategy, you can look forward to customer interactions that may drive positive action towards your brand.

Seek the expertise of social media experts to help guide you in creating a social media strategy that works. These social media specialists will ensure that you have a deep understanding of your brand, audience, and competitor landscape to come up with social media solutions that will propel your brand and customer relations efforts forward.

Top of Mind

While the digital can mean a lot of advantages for businesses, it can also mean a digital footprint for a businesses’ past negative track records. Poor reviews, negative comments, and low ratings in the past can come back and haunt the reputation of a business in its present and future. This is why RepGuardian suggests that in addition to the above strategies, reputation management should be a vital and important digital marketing strategy that brands need to look at and aggressively pursue.

Digital marketing solutions such as a riveting website, practical business apps, or a vibrant social media site can all be allies in your quest to become nearer and dearer to your target group of clients. Backed by a sound strategy, you can expect that your efforts will drive you closer to the consciousness and preference of your market. Executed seamlessly and managed properly, you can look forward to creating avid and loyal customers for life.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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