How to Make Studying Easier and Faster

Education by  Ariana Smith 02 February 2018 Last Updated Date: 28 February 2019

How to Make Studying Easier and Faster

Learning should be enjoyable and not stressful. You may view studying as a routine job, but you can enhance the experience and start to enjoy it. Choose the right place to study and change it over time. Find like-minded study associates and let studying become a social activity. Minimize the stress of learning by giving yourself a few small breaks in between your study hours. Also, reward yourself for achieving your daily targets. You are the one who will determine the kind of learning experience that you will get.

How to Make Studying Easier and Faster:

Keep your study area neat and clean:

The learning environment is very important to any learner. Clean your study area, your study table, and chair. Organize your stationery, put your pen, pencil, and books at an appropriate place. You will be more comfortable and peaceful in mind when working from a clean environment.

Stay away from distractions:

Serving two masters is not possible when talking about learning. To get the most out of your study time, make sure there are no distractions. If there are any, ask your parents to shift your study table and chair; switch off your mobile phone and computer especially when you are studying using your textbooks and notes. Topics like Algebra, Complex Numbers,  Kinematics, etc. requires much focus and a fresh mind to study. Just make sure that you pay full attention to your studies by avoiding any external distractions.

Keep your study materials organized:

Don’t plan to look for pens, pencils, and highlighters, etc. in between your studies. It can be really distracting at times. Put everything in order so that by the time you are sitting down, nothing will draw your attention off the books.

Watch educational videos:

If you are getting bored while studying from textbooks and notes, watch videos related to that topic. Videos can be an effective learning tool because it enhances understanding and engages students. Enhance your ability to grasp complex ideas by watching educative videos.

Study with friends:

Discussions are very important during study times. Ask your friends about their preparation methods. Also, ask your friends to study in a group and discuss with each other. Studying in a group of people is a successful way to tackle subjects that you don’t understand. Teamwork is very important when it comes to building the learners level of understanding.

Schedule regular breaks in between your study hours:

For every 60 minutes of study, schedule a 5 minutes break. Taking breaks in between your study hours will reduce your stress levels and help you retain what you have studied. You cannot sit down from morning to evening and expect to grasp all the ideas. You will reach a point when the learning session will be giving you a negative outcome.

Treat Yourself:

Set a goal and treat yourself with some healthy foods after you successfully achieved your target.

Read also: 

Visit BYJU’S student discussion forums to clear your doubts, ask questions and join the discussion, where millions are learning and sharing knowledge. Also, check out the YouTube channel to study easier and faster through engaging videos.


Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer and enthusiastic blogger. She is a regular contributor at The Daily Notes.

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