The Importance of Real Estate Photography Editing

Real Estate by  Sumona 05 August 2022

As professionals expect, realtors need to know how their properties look to put their best foot forward in marketing them! This means taking many different shots: exterior, interior, and landscaping, for example.

These small details matter a lot when selling or leasing a property. One such detail is how the property looks in the photo, especially if it was taken on a beautiful or ideal day. A lot of professional editing is often done to ensure that the image is as inviting as possible.

As a realtor, you need to learn some basic Real estate photography editing skills. Otherwise, you may be selling your properties short! While you may not think that minor adjustments can make much of a difference, these can be very important in helping you sell your properties faster and for better prices!

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of things that realtors should be aware of when it comes to using photos of their properties:

1. Exterior Shots

Exterior Shots

You must take pictures during ideal weather conditions! You wouldn’t want a potential buyer looking at a picture of your house from the inside and thinking that the neighborhood is dark and dreary or, even worse, unsafe.

That’s why you should take your pictures on sunny days as much as possible. However, if you took them on overcast days or cloudy ones because it was raining, don’t worry!

There are still some minor adjustments that you can do to make them look brighter:

-If the photo you took on an overcast day looks too grey in color tone, try increasing the contrast by adjusting your shadows.

-If you took a photo from a distance and it looks too dark, it increases the exposure by one or two stops.

-Increase the image’s brightness by using digital “whitening” filters like those found in Photoshop. Such effects automatically adjust exposure, color tone, and highlights to make photos more vivid.

-If you took your picture on an overcast or cloudy day, try taking it indoors with artificial lights. This will help eliminate shadows which can make photos look dull.

2. Interior Shots

Interior Shots

Realtors should also be aware that they will need to edit interior shots to make them look better. These are the shots that will be placed on the website and brochures, so they should be as appealing as possible. Most realtors have a lot of experience with these, so don’t worry if you haven’t done it before!

Your best bet would be to use various techniques to make your images perfect!

You can do this by:

-Using editing software like Photoshop or Filmborn Reshade that specializes in real estate photos. Real estate photography editing programs are designed to make the images appear brighter and more visually appealing.

-Lighting can help create a mood for your interior shots. Choose natural lighting over artificial lighting, which makes for better results.

In conclusion, editing images is crucial whether you are a realtor. It’s something that you need to learn no matter what industry you’re in. The better your images look, the more likely people will notice them and be interested in buying or leasing your properties.




Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in EmblemWealth

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