How to Spruce Up Your Social Media Presence

Social Media by  Ariana Smith 17 October 2018 Last Updated Date: 28 August 2020

Social Media Presence

Individuals have been using the power of social media to connect with others for nearly two decades. However, it has only been during the past few years that businesses have begun to realize the importance of a strong virtual presence. A growing number of entrepreneurs are now leveraging the power of social media to successfully promote their products and services. Still, this is often easier said than done. One of the issues is how to gain more followers in order to enjoy a broad client base. There is a bit more than initially meets the eye in this regard, as some of the techniques might be slightly surprising. Let’stake a look at a few core concepts to appreciate before moving on to examine the ways in which your reputation can be taken to the next level (and beyond).

Not Only About Numbers:

Throw enough jam against the wall and some are bound to stick. Although this statement is certainly true, it always assumes that more equates to better. This is not necessarily the case in terms of social media portals such as Instagram and Facebook. Not only do you want to encounter loyal followers, but they have to represent the right kind of followers. Target approaches will, therefore, produce viable results within a shorter period of time.

Another issue to take into account is how followers can be obtained. Some sites function differently than others. LinkedIn is centered around the professional community. Facebook is powered by a host of applications and written content is important. Instagram is primarily centred around images and their associated tags. So, it is clear to see that different methods need to be adopted in relevance to the social media platform in question.

Still, this does not necessarily have to represent a complicated issue. Regardless of which website you are employing, there are a few key rules to keep in mind:

• You need to understand what type of audience will resonate with a specific product or service.
• You must regularly analyze the performance of your pages to determine which seem to attract the most attention.
• It is important to interact with your audience if you hope to gain more followers over time.

These principles are indeed broad and they are more associated with common sense as opposed to thinking outside of the digital box. So, are there any methods which can help you to increase your social media influence without being forced to put in hours of overtime?

Winning the Popularity Contest:

Much like any business venture, it is better to work smart as opposed to hard. This is why you will need to appreciate the power of keyword tags in relation to photos and posts. Tags (and hashtags) serve two functions. First, they allow users to search for specific content based upon unique queries. Secondly, programs such as Google are better able to understand the content itself. This is critical if you want to enjoy high rankings on a search engine results page (SERP). Carefully research the appropriate keywords in order to gain exposure.

Another point to mention involves the concept of cross-channel marketing. Without becoming overly technical, this is simply the notion of promoting your content on additional social media profiles. For example, if you want to get more followers on Instagram, link these posts to your Facebook or Twitter profiles. This is one of the main intentions of social media; to provide you with a quick and cost-effectivemeans to spread your unique ideas.

Interaction is the third principle to mention. A social media profile is very much like a domestic plant. If it is not provided with the correct nutrients, it will inevitable wither away. In this sense, one key “nutrient” involves the act of engaging with your followers and subscribers. However, it should not end here. It is just as important to increase your connections by following and comments on another like-minded page. By increasing your presence in such a way, itis more likely than others will choose to tune in to what you have to say. As the expression goes, birds of a feather flock together.

On a final note, do not expect your Instagram or Facebook page to suddenly obtain a million followers overnight. Not only will this require a keen approach to marketing, but always remember that some posts will simply not appeal to your audience. Intuition is needed in order to better understand what your subscribers are interested in and a certain amount of trial and error may be involved.

Whether you are hoping to spruce up your social media presence to connect with friends or you are instead hoping to promote a unique business opportunity, the suggestions mentioned above will undoubtedly come in handy.

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Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer and enthusiastic blogger. She is a regular contributor at The Daily Notes.

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