Adelaide Electrician’s Tips for Slashing Your Electricity Bill

Home Improvement by  Mashum Mollah 08 July 2021

Electricity Bill

“I love paying my high electric bill!” Said no one ever.

In fact, most of us inwardly dread getting the electricity bill since we know it will be unpleasantly high.

But what if you could slash that bill? Here are a few genius tips for an Adelaide electrician to help you do that!

Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances

This tip requires spending a bit of money, but don’t worry, you don’t have to fork it all out at once. As your appliances age, you’ll need to buy new ones anyway. Choose energy-efficient models to cut down on the amount of electricity you use.

Audit Your Power Bill

Audit Your Power Bill

Not all energy contracts are the same. Prices fluctuate throughout the day and energy companies charge different prices.

If you have a choice of provider, you should find the one that offers you the best deal for your energy usage.

Precise Services can help you run a power bill/energy audit and discover ways that you can save on your electric bill!

Optimize Your Thermostat

Optimize Your Thermostat

Even just one degree warmer can cost you as much as 10% more in running costs to heat your home. With this in mind, you can see that optimizing your thermostat can save you a lot of money.

Set your thermostat to turn down when you are not at home or at night when you’re sleeping. There’s no point to be heating your home up to a comfortable temperature during those times. Use a timer so that your thermostat turns up automatically when you want it to be warmer.

You can also connect a smart thermostat to your phone to control the settings remotely.

Use Your Curtains

Use Your Curtains

When it’s hot, close your curtains against the sun. Open the windows on the shaded side of the house and run fans to avoid using the AC.

In the winter, open your curtains on the sunny side of the house to let in as many solar rays as possible. Close them at night and on the shaded side of the house to prevent heat from escaping through the windows.

Add Insulation and Weatherstripping

Button up your home and reduce heat loss by adding insulation in your attic and refreshing the weatherstripping around your windows. Sealing up all the little cracks and crevices through which conditioned air can escape allows you to take full advantage of it.

Check Your Fridge

Your refrigerator is one of the most expensive appliances to run simply because it runs all the time. Make sure that the seal on the door is completely airtight to keep as much cold air in the fridge as possible.

Also, don’t set the thermostat too low. A good temperature for the fridge is between 4 and 5 degrees Celsius. The freezer should be set to between -15 and -18. Anything colder than these temperatures is excessively cold and wasting energy.

Enjoy a Slashed Bill

Every one of these tips by themselves won’t offer too much energy savings. However, put a few of them together and you’ll start to see a big difference. Every little bit helps in slashing the high cost of electricity.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, etc.

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