Web Hosting – The Importance To Small Businesses And The Different Types

Technology by  Mashum Mollah 23 September 2019 Last Updated Date: 26 August 2020

web hosting

Web hosting enables business owners to store their website’s videos, pictures, HTML files, and other content on a web host’s servers so that it can be assessed by Internet users. Web hosting can either make or break a business performance online – when it functions well, it can boost the business image and reputation and when it performs badly the exact opposite. This is because a website is a bridge between a business and its clients on the web.

The Different Types Of Web Hosting Services

Managed WordPress hosting

Just like the name implies, WordPress hosting is basically hosting for WordPress websites. The most common form of this type of hosting is managed WordPress hosting. With this, you are provided with a server that is optimized to manage WordPress sites 100%.

If you are a WordPress website owner, this is a more secure option and will help your website perform optimally without you having to handle technical maintenance. Essentially, managed WordPress hosting provides you with a team of WordPress experts who manage the servers and your website for a fee. What you get in return is the best performing website possible. For WordPress sites that are currently being grown, this type of hosting style is best.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is probably the best hosting type for most business websites. It is also the most popular form of web hosting service. A major advantage of shared hosting is that it is low-cost. With very little money, you can host your website with shared hosting.

This is made possible because the server your website is hosted on is shared by thousands or hundreds of other sites. So, you do not have to pay for the server’s resources yourself, instead, you split it. Shared hosting is not only easy to use by is also beginner-friendly – it is very simple to set up

Cloud Hosting

This type of web hosting service requires the use of virtual hardware. That is, your server is housed on the clouds. This is a relatively new type of web hosting but it has quickly grown in popularity for a couple of reasons: cloud hosting is cost-effective and flexible, it has great performance and offers amazing time.

It is cost-effective effective because you only have to pay for the server resources that you use. This is great especially if your website’s traffic varies from month to month. With cloud hosting, you will not be paying for a large number of server resources that you do not completely use.

In addition, cloud hosting is reliable – if one cloud server isn’t functioning properly, your website will simply be moved to another server on the network.

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting uses a technical process called virtualization to create a cloud-based dedicated server. However, its resources are still pulled from various physical servers which you share with other websites.

The major benefit of VPS hosting is the greater amounts of server resources at your disposal, which result in improved site performance. In addition, you can downsize or scale up your server resources when the need arises.

Dedicated Hosting

With this type of web hosting service, you are essentially leasing a complete physical server and there is no sharing of resources with other users. This is why this type of web hosting service is expensive.

On the plus side, you get it huge storage levels and excellent website performance because have the entire server’s resources at your disposal. As an extra bonus, you can customize your server to match your website needs.

However, dedicated server hosting would not be the right choice for small business websites that do not see large volumes of traffic just yet.

The Importance Of Good Web Hosting For Small Businesses

Improved SEO Ranking

The ranking of your website in search engine results plays an important role in the amount of organic traffic that comes to your website. Websites with slow loading time and poor performance will see a drop in website visitors and SEO ranking – and the performance of your site on the web is directly tied to the quality of your web hosting service. High bounce rates are associated with websites that take more than three seconds to load. In order for small businesses to grow, SEO ranking importance, hence the need for a good web host.

Reduced Website Downtime

One of the major importance of good web hosting for small businesses is reduced website downtime. Website downtime can small businesses lose out on sales and customers – whenever a website is off-line, web users will not be able to access the files and information on the website. Website downtimes are a bad image for your company and can negatively impact your business reputation for reliability. In addition, you run the risk of driving your customers to your competitors.

24/7 Support

The hallmark of a good web hosting service is the technical support that is available to its users. As a small business website, you would need access to 24/7 customer support that can quickly address your needs or any issues that might occur. Even if you take all precautions because technology is not

100% perfect, you are bound to encounter challenges. With great customer support, your challenges and issues will be resolved efficiently and quickly.

Security And Protection

Great web hosting comes with even greater protection and security. A good web hosting service has adequate security measures put in place to prevent attacks from hackers and malware that can cause you to lose sensitive information such as customer and sales data. As a bonus, the security measures put in place by a good web hosting provider will safeguard sensitive information on your website from being assessed by third parties with nefarious intent. Small businesses that hire the services of a good web hosting provider can rest easy knowing sensitive information inputted on their website is secure.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at thedailynotes.com/.

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