Will Australian Driving Schools Fail You?

Travel by  Mashum Mollah 26 March 2020


Learners might feel complacent due to the misconception that they would not fail their driving lessons. After all, these private schools are still a business, correct? If word gets around that they are strict with their course, nobody might enroll in their programs anymore.

Unfortunately, independent or license instructors are under the supervision of the Roads and Traffic Authority. So, the driving lessons in EzLicence follow the same high standards, as set by the rules and regulations of the state. Any violations may mean suspension or the revocation of their licenses to operate.

The answer is yes, and you really have to try hard to fail.

For one, they exist to help prepare you for the practical driving assessment test, which is a requirement for you to secure your driver’s license. They are on your side.

Nevertheless, you can also reduce the chances of failing the driving lessons, if you follow the tips below:

Will Australian Driving Schools Fail You?

1. Pay attention to the road:

Distracted driving can get you in trouble, which is why instructors are very strict about it. Do not engage in a conversation with the coach. Talk only to answer a question or clarify a point.

2. Listen to the instructions:

Again, the instructor is there to help you pass your Australian driving assessment. You might think that they are strict. However, they only want to prepare you for the real test–when you are applying for your license.

3. Take deep breaths and relax:

When you are panicked, you tend to commit errors. There is a big difference between being attentive and having a tunnel vision. And you tend to develop the latter when you are too nervous to act.

4. Intersections and junctions:

When you approach junctions and intersections, you need to slow down and then look both ways for traffic. Merge when you only think it is safe to do so. You will be assessed on your timing. Going too early or too late will result in a fault mark.

5. Proper positioning and maneuvering:

You should know where you are at a particular spot on the road all the time, and your location in relation to the other cars, curb, and pedestrians. Positioning is all about anticipation, while maneuvering is all about taking action at the right moment. Also, use your mirrors and turn signals. They exist for a reason.

6. Not in control:

When the instructor sees that you are not in total control when maneuvering, it will again result in a fault mark. For example, when you make a turn and let go of the steering wheel for the vehicle to right itself, it can be a mark on your record.

7. Parking:

Reverse parking is one of the most challenging moves for some students. The instructor will pay attention to how close you are to the curb, whether you stall the engine, whether reversing is smooth, or getting too close to the parked vehicle.

To pass the driving lessons of EzLicence, you need to go below the benchmarks of driving errors. These faults can be minor or major. You will be assessed on the type of faults, as well as the totality of your performance. So, if you ever commit mistakes, you have no reason to worry as long as they are not considered severe.

You go through multiple levels before you are issued a driver’s license in Australia. First, you should get a learner’s permit. After that, you will graduate to the restricted, provisional, and probationary permit. Finally, when you pass those without major issues, you will get your full driving license.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at thedailynotes.com/.

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