Facing Low Engagement on Instagram Posts? 5 Ways to Overcome It

Social Media by  Mashum Mollah 13 November 2021

low engagement

Worried that your content is not gaining enough attention on Instagram that it deserves? You are trying so hard to create evocative content; but, your engagement rate seems to be stuck in the same place.

One reason behind the low engagement rate is the lack of followers. If you are a niche content creator, it might be a bit tougher for you to find your specific audience. But, do you know you can buy real Instagram followers who are interested in your work and would love to support you?

Yes, that’s right. You can find your kind of audience and ask them to visit your page. 

Top ways to overcome low engagement on Instagram posts

To calculate your engagement rate, get an estimated number of likes, comments, and saves, your previous ten Instagram posts have received. Then divide it by the number of followers and multiply it by 100. There, that’s your Instagram engagement rate.

If you are not happy with your engagement rate, here are five more ways to increase it –

1. Hashtags: –

1. Hashtags: -

It might seem that the idea of the hashtag has become redundant. However, the truth is the very opposite. Very few actually know about its untapped potential.

Most Instagram users pick popular hashtags to increase their reach. But that’s not how you are supposed to use it. Hashtags must be related to your posts and relevant to your audience.

Instagram lets you use 30 hashtags per post; use all of them. But, use them wisely because the newest AI tools can detect whether your hashtag goes with your image or not. If it doesn’t, it will automatically be downgraded. As a result, your post won’t find its intended audience. 

Related Reads: How to Get Instagram Followers For Free

2. Call to Actions: –

What better way to engage with your audience than using Call to Actions in your captions! A CTA is basically an engaging caption like a question or a simple instruction that your followers can respond to. 

Instagram statistics reveal that posts with CTAs receive more engagement than those with a generic caption. 

Asking your followers to leave a comment or tag their friends is a sure-shot way to promote your content. CTAs like questions, polls, quizzes on your stories are also a brilliant and organic way to increase your reach.  

3. Engagement: –


Conversing with your audience is a great way to get new followers and increase your engagement rate. Your followers love your content for a reason- your contents resonate with them. 

So, they leave a sign of appreciation by leaving a comment or sharing your posts on their stories. Being active on your profile and answering their queries promptly make them feel valued. 

Instead of replying with a placid emoji to their comments, express your gratitude in a few words. At the same time, new followers often want you to check their content too. Take some time to check their contents and give them feedback. 

4. Quality content: –

Each one of the above tips will go to waste if you don’t share quality content. But, what does quality content mean? It simply means stories that are relevant, engaging, and show the humane side of you. These can include inside scoop, secrets to your work, or any tips that your followers wanted to know.

If you are running a page for your company, post about your team. Share their works, their importance, and what they mean to you. That will serve the double purpose of motivating them and increasing your brand value. 

5. Collaborate: –


Collaboration is the perfect way to boost engagement organically. Find people with similar interests around you and try to collaborate with them. Your works will be opened up to new people. You can also tie up with any brand or any influencer.

Engaging with other content creators will increase your reach and in turn bring more people around your -page. Introduce each other in a joint session to your followers. Hold a contest jointly and share each other’s works. Remember, mutual growth is the best kind of growth

The Final Thoughts

Your Instagram page must look cohesive with similar themes around your posts. Try to find a hook that keeps your audience engaged in your work. Instagram has been constantly updating its AI to make it more engaging. Bots and fake followers will only increase one-way traffic which will harm you in the long run. Instead, by using these tips wisely, you can grow as a digital influencer. 

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, Blogstellar.com etc.

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