How to Make Your Content Stand Out: 5 Working Tips!

Marketing by  Mashum Mollah 28 October 2021

Your Content

Well, it’s not a secret that the ones who took content marketing seriously, a few years ago, are now enjoying the perks of it. This includes a higher ranking on SERPs, more authority in the industry, and overall, more profits.

Content marketing was quite a revolution, and the ones who took the first mover’s advantage are definitely winning. But well, as it’s said better late than never. If you’ve joined the party right now, don’t worry it’s still not TOO late!

First, you need to understand that the primary aspect of content marketing is the content itself. You need to have outstanding content that can drive more leads and bring more business.

Below, I’ve compiled 5 working tips, which will help you do so.

1. Your content should be newsworthy

Your content should be newsworthy

The first point is about the topic of the content you choose to write. You can write flawlessly, but what matters most is that the topic must be catchy and worthy enough for people to read.

You might have a lot of stories, but are they newsworthy enough? So, what makes a piece of content, or topic newsworthy. To identify whether your think-piece is newsworthy or not, ask yourself questions like, whether it is a first of its kind? Or does it have superlatives like best, modest, biggest, or anything like that? Does it have a surprising element that can make it stand out? Or is the journey or the end interesting?

There are more questions that can be asked but these must be enough to help you evaluate your content and classify it as newsworthy or not.

2. It should be different, but not completely unfamiliar

The previous point can paint the impression that your content should be completely different to be outstanding. There is little truth in that. Your content should be different, but still familiar.

Writing on completely unfamiliar topics will pose a threat that very few people might be interested to read it. You must follow a format or a concept that has been successful in the past, and then take it in a new direction.

As abstract it may sound, it is what you need to do.

3. Focus on the target audience

Focus on the target audience

Focusing on a huge audience or being too generic, just so that more people read your think-piece can lead to more harm than good. Chasing a wider audience will cost you your USP or relevance.

While you still need to select broad topics, you need to be more specific in your content. Keep in mind the preferences or choices of the audience you are reaching out to.

4. Add stats, shares, and links

There is more reason to add statistics than to just prove what you are saying is authentic or not. Adding stats is the key for you to create stand-out content.

You can do this by adding observations, aggregations, and surveys. You can also conduct original research or look for it online. Whatever method you choose to employ, remember that stats make your content extremely authentic and also help you earn more trust and authority.

Related Reads: Social Media Strategy 101

5. Follow your gut

In true honesty, thinking too hard will only delay the benefits your content can bring for you. This tip is from my personal experience and honestly, it has worked wonders for me.

Remember no tips will work if you don’t gather the courage to step up and post the actual content. Follow your instincts and do not restrict yourself to this piece of information. You can’t learn to craft outstanding content overnight. But you need to start somewhere.

Now, in the initial days, when the stakes are high you can consider hiring and working with people like They are veterans of this field and working with them will add significant experience to your portfolio.

Over to you…

If your first piece of content is successful, remember to be humble. If it fails, do not be too harsh on yourself. Grace yourself the time it needs. That being said, writing content is a wholesome process and if you push the right buttons, you are sure to enjoy it!

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, etc.

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