Overcoming Summertime Sadness – College Edition

Lifestyle by  Mashum Mollah 08 June 2021

Summertime Sadness

With summer comes warmer weather and longer days. For most people, this means an improved mood. However, for some, summertime sadness means feelings of listlessness and boredom, especially for college students. 

Going from classes and term papers to suddenly not having the structure of school can be discombobulating.  Maybe your days are now spent doing a job you hate, or maybe your time consists of Netflix marathons while trying to avoid the oppressive heat outside. 

If you are going home for the summer, you might find yourself missing your school friends or you might find yourself stressed out about the rules your family implements when you’re at home. 

Overcoming Summertime Sadness-

Overcoming Summertime Sadness-

Mind Diagnostics can help you learn more about stress and how to manage it. Other emotional triggers can arise during summer as well. Wearing less clothing like shorts and bathing suits can bring up self-esteem issues. 

Being bombarded by magazine articles telling you how to get the “perfect bikini body” doesn’t help. Going to the beach or the pool should be a fun experience, but if you’re self-conscious of your body, you might feel awkward and embarrassed.

Plus summertime can be expensive and now that the world is opening back up, that sentiment is true again. Tickets for concerts, ball games, and blockbusters add up. Summer is an opportune time to travel, except that the cost of plane tickets and gas for road trips are a huge financial drain. Even with a job, you might not be able to afford to go to events or on trips. 

Fortunately, there are multiple options to keep the summer blues at bay. 

i). Set Goals:

i). Set Goals:

If you find comfort in following a routine, then use your free time to set goals. That stack of books you keep telling yourself you’ll read one day? Crack one open and start reading. Make a goal to read a book a week.

Or tackle some projects that you’ve been meaning to do. Go through your closet and take all the clothes you don’t want to a consignment store or Goodwill. Productivity and a sense of accomplishment can do wonders for your mental well-being. 

ii). Get Active:

ii). Get Active:

Getting active is not only an effective way to keep busy, but also the endorphins are a great mood booster. If the weather is nice, take your workout outside and go jogging or bike riding. 

If it’s too hot outside, YouTube has thousands of workout videos ranging from yoga, Pilates, Zumba, and strength training. Plus they’re free. Working out shouldn’t be about how you look in your bikini, but rather how it makes you feel

iii). Find Free Events: 

iii). Find Free Events: 

Just because some tickets may be out of your budget, doesn’t mean you have to miss out on cool experiences. Google and search on Facebook for free events going on in your city. In places like Los Angeles, Boston, and New York City, there are Facebook groups where people can share free events like food festivals, exercise classes, and concerts. 

Also looking at your college’s alumni network is a great way to stay connected to your university from afar, network, and enjoy various and oftentimes free events.

iv). Seek out Help:

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression, usually appears during the fall and winter months, but it can also affect people during the summer. If your problems go beyond feeling bored and a little down, then you may be suffering from SAD. 

If you notice changes in your sleep or appetite or feel hopeless, then it’s recommended that you reach out to your doctor to see if there’s something more going on than just summertime blues. 

The Final Thoughts:

Feeling sad in the summer might seem unusual, but you are not alone, many people experience summertime sadness. Finding activities you enjoy or speaking to a licensed professional are two great ways to work through your SAD. Therefore, the above listed are the best ways to overcome summertime sadness and you need to follow the same in the long run.. Besides, if you have any doubts about the same, you can mention them in the comments section below.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the man behind TheDailyNotes. He loves sharing his experiences on popular sites- Mashum Mollah, Blogstellar.com etc.

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