Reverse Osmosis Water Filters: How They work and Their Advantages

Home Improvement by  Mashum Mollah 09 October 2020

Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

Reverse osmosis water filters are filters used for water filtration in most homes. This method of filtration is one of the most common practices to get the cleanest and safest water.

Water is becoming even more dangerous by the day. A lot of harmful substances are being deposited in our main sources of water like rivers and wells, where most of the water gets distributed from.

Other forms of pollution like agricultural wastes and chemicals are also destructive to the water we use for consumption.

If you use municipal water then the water is supposedly treated with chlorine and other components, but the reality is, you can never be too sure. Sometimes this water doesn’t even taste or smell right.

That is why you should take matters into your hand and be accountable for your health and that of your loved ones in terms of the water you consume.

It not only filters your water but also purifies it. It removes most of the contaminants including dissolved substances that can’t be seen with naked eyes.

If you are worried that the water around your area or the water that you consume and bathe with and do all sorts of chores with is doing you harm then you might want to purchase a reverse osmosis water filter for sake of your health and that of your family.

In this article, you will learn about how the reverse osmosis method of filtration works, what it filters out, and what the installation process is like. Read on to find out a pure water guide.

How Reverse Osmosis Water Filters Work:

This is where water is passed through a semipermeable membrane. The membrane has very small pores that allow only water molecules to pass through, separating freshwater from the harmful components and dissolved substances.

It has different stages that each performs different functions in the process, to provide the cleanest, high-quality water.

Although a lot of water is considered waste after this process, you can be sure to get the safest water for consumption.

The Installation Process

Installing this system could be the easiest yet the hardest. It all depends on your ability to follow instructions well or whether you have some knowledge about it.

There are also a ton of helpful resources on the internet like a to help you install the filter and the customer support team at the manufactures is also just a call away, always on standby, and ready to offer assistance if it’s required.

You can opt to also seek some assistance from a plumber near you or someone you know has knowledge about it. It’s all that simple.

Advantages of Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

Here is why you should go ahead and make a purchase;

  • This is the most trusted and surest way to get the healthiest water possible. With this, you can be sure that none of your loved ones will get sick from contaminated water.
  • The installation process is easy, with the easy to follow instructions guide and assistance, if required, just a call away from the manufacturers.
  • Some Reverse Osmosis water filters take up very little space, leaving you more room for storage. No one can even notice the under-sink reverse osmosis filter under your sink in the kitchen.

Disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

Everything that has an advantage most definitely has a disadvantage. But remember that nothing can be compromised when it comes to the health of the people you love.

Here are some things you might not like about this type of water filtration;

  • Depending on the type of filter you use, the freshwater to wastewater ratio might not be the most impressive. Sometimes wastewater tends to be more.
  • They can be more expensive compared to other methods of filtration.

Reverse Osmosis Water Filters of 2020

Here are some of the best Reverse Osmosis water filters you should consider;

1. Waterdrop Reverse Osmosis

Number one is Waterdrop Reverse Osmosis filters. This is an under sink reverse osmosis water filter system. It is one of the most technologically advanced systems and is considered one of the best.

It uses 7-stage filtration, which offers a better filtration, a better taste, a better smell, and of course healthier and better-quality water.

It filters 99% of TDS, heavy metals, and other contaminants. Unlike other filters that filter less water, you can be sure to get up to 400 gallons with Waterdrop Reverse Osmosis.

It also comes with a Smart LED with ring glows that have different colors to indicate the status of the water.

2. Home Master Reverse Osmosis

This method of filtration filters up to 98% dissolved solids, metals, and other contaminants.

It uses a 7-stage filtration process, has a fast flow rate, you can be sure to fill a pitcher in 40 seconds, and get a better taste and fresh smell.

Installation is easy and has a 1-month money-back guarantee after which you get up to 5 years warranty.

3. iSpring RCC7 Reverse Osmosis System

This filters water in five different filters and stages, to produce high-quality water with a better taste and improved PH.

It is cheaper compared to others and gives a high value for your money. It is also highly efficient with pure water to wastewater ratio of 2:5:1, which is considered great.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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