CBD Oil For Pets – Is it Safe?

Pets & Animals by  Mashum Mollah 21 April 2020 Last Updated Date: 02 April 2021


For many years, CBD or cannabidiol has enjoyed being in the spotlight for a reason. This product achieved a high number of sales, even if it’s still not officially approved by the FDA. You can read more about the regulations of the FDA about the oil when you click here. But what makes it appealing to pet owners? Is this safe for your dog? What does it do? you can read more about CBD for dogs, by clicking here.

Does CBD oil for pets really work?

Many experts have indeed discussed the benefits and risks of cannabidiol in the past. Cannabidiol still needs further in-depth studies today since its long-term effects are still unknown. However, one thing is for sure, it works, and many pet parents were able to make their pets get relief from joint pains such as arthritis and other medical conditions.

What is Cannabidiol?

Cannabidiol came from marijuana plants, and they were extracted for therapeutic purposes. Many become wary when they hear the word marijuana. However, CBD is different as it does not produce a “high” or any psychoactive effects on dogs and cats.

The oil is deemed to be perfectly safe for dogs and cats, even in the maximum dose. The current legalization of medical marijuana in many states significantly helps many pet parents as they can buy the oil in many online shops and over-the-counter drugstores. CBD is not known to have any adverse effects, and it’s not responsible for any overdose.

But even if cannabidiol does not have the same effect as marijuana, a pet parent should still be wary about the products available in the market. If you are one of the pet parents who couldn’t bear another minute of seeing your canine friend, Bruno, in pain, then you need to do research and see if the oil is helpful for your dog.

Since many people are still getting outraged when they hear the words “marijuana,” some may not understand how it is becoming legal in the first place. While the effects of marijuana on many animals still need further research, this doesn’t mean that cannabidiol is the same. You can know more about marijuana here.

CBD is derived from hemp plants, and it is extracted in many ways. One of the methods is CO2, and the other is mixing butane to extract pure hemp oil. However, the method that works best is CO2 since it will not contain harmful chemicals that your pet can ingest. In the extraction process, the THC, which makes people and animals “high” is removed. Therefore, you won’t have a dog that will act erratically after taking the oil.

The most targeted part of the Cannabis sativa plant is its flower. The flowers contain trichomes that are rich sources of essential oils. Within the trichomes, you can find over 70 cannabinoids, which may either include CBD or THC. The culprit for getting high and addicted is THC, while CBD is commonly used for therapeutic purposes.

What Does CBD Do?


Many older dogs may experience pain because of arthritis brought by age. In these cases, they may limp or walk more slowly because of swollen legs. You can help them ease the pain by giving them a drop or two of CBD oil. You can get more content on legitimate sites that will help you on how to measure the right dose for your pet. The treatments can depend on the breed, weight, and the condition that your dog is experiencing.

Many pet owners swear that oil is very useful in alleviating pain for their dogs and cats. Their furry friends that were previously afraid of thunder and loud noises were able to sleep more calmly at night. The oil also acts as an agent that prevents inflammation resulting in a more soothing life for dogs suffering from joint pains.

In many cases, the oil has been used as a natural supplement in place of phenobarbital. This is a barbiturate that prevents seizures and usually helps pets to relax. This drug has many side effects and may lose its effectiveness over time.

In a case of a 5-year old beagle named Pete, his owner has used CBD oil instead of the drug and reported that the pet only went from two big seizures a month to only a small seizure in three months. Of course, it is still better to consult your vet about this. But if another oil can help ease your pet’s suffering, it is always worth a try.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at thedailynotes.com/.

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