The ‘Smart City’: How Will it Make Our Lives Better?

Real Estate by  Mashum Mollah 27 October 2017 Last Updated Date: 19 July 2021


Connected road networks, data collecting traffic systems, real time processing of transport and people. And office blocks, business premises and public buildings that are fully linked up to the web. This is the future of our towns and cities. We’re about to enter an era of complete connectivity. A world where everything we do becomes important data.

The Internet of Things is believed to be the next Industrial Revolution and it’s going to make everyday life a whole lot more convenient, easier to manage, and perhaps even safer. Smart technology and machine learning means that we’ll soon have refrigerators that can order our groceries for us, vacuum cleaners that are essentially self-driving robots, and even drones that deliver your Friday night takeaways (on time and piping hot).

Sounds good for those of us who fall into the lazier category. But can the futuristic ‘smart city’ really make our lives that much better? Here we take a look at what our homes will look like in the very near future…

What Will Future Cities Look Like?

This infographic will show you exactly how your hometown or city could look like in 10, 20, 30 or 40 years from now.

(Image source: Smart City of the Future infographic)

Whilst the data used in this infographic are forecasts only, the predictions are based on very real information provided by industry experts. It’s amazing to see just how far humanity has come since the very first cities formed on the planet more than ten thousand years ago. If the predictions in the infographic are right, we could be inhabiting in fully ‘living buildings’ (with intelligent systems managed by robots) by 2050.

Benefits of Living in a Smart City

According to the infographic, the earliest advancement we will enjoy is the smart home (with smart heating). Something which is already rolling out successfully; and with the benefits of reducing heating costs and cutting our carbon footprint, it’s something that will continue to have appeal with both homeowners and business owners.

By 2019, it is believed that 43% of homes and businesses will be using a smart heating system (according to data compiled by Accenture).

At the same time that our homes are getting connected to the Internet of Things, so will our streets. Traffic lights and street lights will stream data between millions of devices with the aim of improving services and road safety. So the smart home and smart city really does have a lot to offer.

In the year 2040, buildings will have A.I capabilities, making them smarter, more efficient and much more comfortable for humans to live and work in. By this point, we way be able to “talk” to our home and office buildings, asking them to adjust the lights or turn down the thermostat. And by 2050, these smart buildings may even be able to automatically adjust settings based on the weather or respond to individual preferences.

For further details, take a look at the urban skyscraper proposal for 2050.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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