10 Instances in Daily Life to Understand White Privilege! 

Beauty by  sagnika sinha 09 April 2024 Last Updated Date: 10 June 2024

Daily Life To Understand White Privilege! 

What is white privilege? Have you ever experienced it? Are you aware of it, or are you trying to hide the discrimination you are benefiting from? In this article, I will discuss the idea of white privilege and how it influences people’s perspectives.

So, how will you define white privilege? White privilege originated in the 1980s in the U.S., where there are hidden and obvious advantages for white people. This is a side of racial injustice that you will experience, especially if you do not belong to a white ethnicity.

Do you know the importance of being aware and understanding the practice of white privilege? It would be best if you learned about how whiteness operates regarding bestowing opportunities, both professional and personal, to people recognized as white.

Yes, it has all to do with skin color, especially because white supremacy has initiated wars in the past, colonization of homogenous countries, and oppression of minority groups and communities. Hence, read about the instances of white privilege in daily life, along with advocating anti-racist teachings!

10 Instances in Daily Life to Understand White Privilege!

I am sure you have heard about the case of George Floyd, a clear instance of the negative impact of white privilege. A white police officer murdered a Minnesota 2020 black American man, George Perry Floyd Jr., during an arrest for using a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill.

There was a wave of global protest along with intense interactions of anti-black racism. White privilege is the legacy of Apartheid in South Africa, as people with skin color that is not white are devalued and subjugated! Today, the institution of apartheid has been politically dismantled, and yet white privilege is not gone.

Let us go through the different aspects of white privilege, benefits, and challenges, along with implementing strategies that will help bring systemic change. I will share instances where colonial practices and slavery have supported the practice of white privilege.

Let’s not forget about the focus on racial inequity in the U.S., which increases racial divisions. It is compared to repairing the country going through discrimination based on religion, class, gender, ethnicity, and class. So, do you have any idea regarding the beneficial aspects of white privilege,

especially when it is an extended version of racial discrimination?

Benefits of Recognizing White Privilege

If you are wondering about the benefits of recognizing and being aware of white privilege practices. You must know it is important! One of the reasons it is so is because it promotes awareness regarding systemic inequalities in our society.

Practices like this can impact our society’s growth and development daily. Furthermore, being aware of such practices helps you show empathy and understanding to those whom they hamper. You will also facilitate more constructive conversations regarding race and how it influences people’s behavior.

The “power of the benefit of the doubt” is what represents white privilege and the opportunities that come with it. For example, as a white person, you will be less likely to be subjected to interrogation or investigation. It is most likely not performed for any illegal activities or when it comes to law enforcement.

The “power of accumulated power” is a practice that is part of white privilege. It is where you can accumulate wealth as a white person. People of color experience more challenges and struggles when accumulating wealth, as they must work full-time even when attending college.

Challenges in Addressing White Privilege

“Every practice faces its own set of challenges when bringing about long-term change. Societal beliefs often favor the strong, leading to harmful effects that can hinder growth. Consequently, it is important to address such issues periodically to ensure a fairer and more equitable society.”

Many people who receive white privilege are in denial of it, and there is a clear lack of awareness. It would be best if you also considered the significance of knowing the concept of white privilege. Only then can you bring change in how people practice privilege and the opportunities that come with it.

Some people fear losing their privilege, which they perceive is important in their social performance and position. For example, the social housing neighborhoods in France have seen people suffer from white privilege practices.

Frequently, the financial credibility or responsibility of people with white skin tones is hardly questioned. These are instances that white people will hardly question. It is because even when society judges, they will benefit from it in the long term.

There are also programs such as “the Stop and Frisk” policy in New York City. It is now abandoned and targets Latinx and Black people. People of color are either arrested or judged for drug offenses! Even when a similar number of white people are probably involved in drug offenses. This is a clear instance of racial bias!

Strategies to Address White Privilege

Many awareness and education programs can be implemented as strategies to debunk white privilege. According to Maressa Brown from the Parents website, teaching children and young individuals. It is about white privilege and how it impacts life is important.

All lives matter” or “color blindness” are concepts that must be taught to young children. Yet, they should also explain the reality of racial practices in the U.S. and on a global scale. Teachers can use stories about historical figures and Civil Rights movements to help preschool and elementary school students.

Considering social media is a bomb nowadays, middle school students can be shown videos of people. The videos are about others who have been treated in a certain way because of their skin color. For example, the videos where individuals put their fingers down if they have been bullied. It is because they belong to a certain race or got an opportunity because of the same thing!

You also need to have unconscious bias training as a strategy! Furthermore, inclusion and diversity initiatives should be integrated to resolve all white privilege. When you implement inclusion as a practice in your actions, you are automatically spreading awareness. It is about how white privilege might not benefit everyone.

Encouraging Self-Reflection and Introspection

Several biases are performed toward people whose skin color is white. Hence, we need to acknowledge them. Have you ever experienced that? Then, it would be best to address it so you can decide on how to resolve it appropriately.

An individual is done with their schooling and is ready to apply for their first job! They should have a clear idea of implicit and explicit racial bias because it does impact educational and occupational opportunities. Are you wondering why introspection is important?

It is significant because people often shame racially discriminatory hiring practices. However, they do not address the opportunities received by white people in employment. Be it in sports, work, or school, it is important to address the racist practices that will lead to you identifying the concerns. You have the right to fight for the betterment and bring positive change.

Some assumptions and stereotypes pose daily challenges for people. These stereotypes reflect racist behavior and people’s belief that individuals with clear skin color deserve better!

Advocating for Systemic Change

What do we mean by advocating for a systematic change in white privilege practices? The focus is on creating supporting policies and practices that promote societal equity. Marginalized voices must be amplified; accordingly, the perspective is to spread awareness about racism.

Knowing about racial issues is very important for you. It is because if you ignore the issue of race while growing up, you will suffer. It is about awareness and helping people deal with active anti-racial practices and actions.

Transformation in white privilege practice is quite difficult, but addressing racial disparities and inequalities is a step toward systemic change. The practice of white privilege antagonizes potential allies, reinforces stereotypes, and encourages resistance to change. Hence, we need to address these aspects in the long term.

Even property managers and public leaders have created a movement that supports white people. For example, G.I. Bill created an opportunity for white middle-class people where oppression was presented in a certain way. The white population, along with segregated cities and towns, all deserve fair treatment but have hardly received it!

Finishing Off…   

We need to emphasize the need for awareness and discussion. It is regarding the importance of the ongoing efforts to dismantle white privilege. To sum up, white privilege can hardly benefit anyone in the long term; hence, I have addressed the various aspects of it in the article. People of color are the biggest victims of white privilege.

After reading this article, I am sure you can learn about how you should make others aware of this. We must realize that it is interrelated with racial behavior and racist comments.

It is, therefore, important to get involved in the anti-racist work. This is necessary to understand white privilege behavior and treatment can be completely shunned! Comment on your stand on the practice and how to integrate systematic change.

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sagnika sinha

Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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